Mis en ligne le 2024-09-09
Léo Léo

Unexpected Impuzzibilities - Jim Steinmeyer

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  •  Paris
  • 15,00 €25,00 €

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  • Remise en main propre - Gratuit :
    Zone de retrait: Paris, FR
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7ème livret en anglais de Jim Steinmeyer sur les tours automatiques.

Description originale :
The seventh book, features Stairway to Heaven, the amazing book test which allows you to use any Bible as a forcing book. Also, Robert Ramirez’s Casting the Spell, an amazing Spelling routine, Four Card Monte (a classically Impuzzle interactive effect) and stand-up tricks the Awful words Trick, Fresh fish Now, and My Word! These are effect using purely cards with words, and carefully disguised mathematical principles. Pure Evil is an amazing hands-off effect in which the spectator freely chooses a number, and finds the card at that number; believe it or not, the spectator is forced a particular evil card in the deck.

Eleven effects, and 32 pages of text.


Jim Steinmeyer

Etat du produit

  • Comme neuf

Toutes les évaluations reçues par ce vendeur :

  • Emmanuel
  • 16 sept. 2024
  • Transaction parfaite.merci


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