Mis en ligne le 2024-12-04
A classic sleight taught by a master in this incredible step by step DVD!
Phil teaches his inner thoughts…everything covered from:
Classic force – preparation/execution and what you must do after the card is taken…
Classic force behind the back
Touch force
An amazing technique for speed gauging – never disclosed before this dvd
Plus live performance segments of Phil using the classic force at an event…
« One technique on the DVD that I instantly put into use took that hit rate up to 90%! With literally no practice, the first time I used it I saw results, it is soooo clever, I have never seen this technique before.
Phil JayMarque
Mark MasonEtat du produit
- Comme neuf
Toutes les évaluations reçues par ce vendeur :

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- Mathias
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- L'Ecole de la Magie Volume 7
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- Micro Macro Libre
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